
MS....REALLY??????? WTF

funny articles and ms updates

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Stay at home Moms dont do shit.......

The way I see it, there are two types of people in the world....the people who say that, and the people that are insulted by it.

I said it!

As I've said, this disease has opened my eyes in many ways, and being on disability has made me understand something.

 I worked because I wanted to, I wanted a career, I wanted to travel and I wanted to be the best! It's what I imagined my life would be, to think any other way was simply imposssible. Why wouldn't I want a career? Now, personally, I believe you are born gay.......I  think women are born in the above stated two groups (the sayees or the insultees). One group dreams as a girl to either be wearing a business suit and the other imagines themselves in a ball cap and jeans. That's the simple truth.

So I researched it and there is an actual, Scientific term for it; either procefius nestorus or (pro-nesting) or non- procefius nestorus (anti-nesting). It's in our genes......go figure.

What does this mean? Well, in short, "Stay at Home Moms don't do shit" should not be said, nor should "She's missing the most important time in her kids life", because neither side understands how the other side is wired.

I, thought my career defined me, and spent the last five months mourning the person I was. And I don't care if it's a car or a person, rewiring is a long tough process.

I don't know how I'm going to feel in five minutes or in a day. But today I'm feeling the joy being a precefius nestorus. If it weren't for MS, I would have never understood both sides. That's a good thing!

I had my ahaaa moment and have been tooling around the house doing daily chores (yes, I know there are alot of them) when I realized, "I can feel productive, I can feel peace, I can spend time with my children, I can spend time on myself"

So Venitians can really visit Mars.........who knew?

Cut to me:   I'm smiling, because I know that there is a balance, (I stop smiling and frown) Now I have to find it!!!! Shit!

P.S. I made up both those scientifice terms.....

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