
MS....REALLY??????? WTF

funny articles and ms updates

Friday, March 26, 2010


I turned forty this year, so I'd say I'm not a spring chicken anymore, but as I've aged I've often wondered why older people you encounter in public are almost always mean, gruff, rude, whatever word you choose?You know the people I'm talking about, not all old people, the ones that are rude to waitresses and have that Scrooge look about them.

Year after year, I find myself understanding that they are who they are because, quite frankly,  life kicked them in the balls just one too many times! And they should be............

I've spent most of my life working more than one job, even after I graduated from college, or climbing up the ranks in corporate America. To say I'm a hard worker is an understatement. So, you can imagine how this disease taking away my ability to work is like greaving the death of a person I will never be again.

I'd like to say I'm tougher than most, but most of the time I'm just fakin it! It's more fun giving people the benefit of the doubt than thinking everyone's out to screw you. Or is it??

Going on Short Term disability was one of the hardest decisions I've ever made, what am I worth if I'm not bringing home a paycheck???? Never did it enter my mind that the insurance policies I have would consider an mri I had two years before my diagnosis, which was never read by a physician, would cause my MS to be a Pre-Existing Condition!!!

I remember the "Save The World" drive I felt when I graduated from college to save criminals from reoffending, the parents I coached and the students I counseled. I remember the exhiliration I felt when I changed careers and made my first sale. I remember the first Million dollars I made my company in one year, but what I remember the most is the safety I felt knowing I could financially support my family.

Now, a woman in another state somewhere, concludes my MS was pre-existing and that I am not eligible for Long Term Disability. HMMMMMM

I'm not whining about my financial situation, well maybe a little,  I know it's hard out there for everyone, but to make six figures one year and then loose my home the next is unacceptable. I'm feel my brow furrow, and a sadness that maybe most people don't deserve the "benefit of the doubt" So no wonder when people say "read the fine print!" What they're really saying is, "there's a loophole in everything! your gonna get screwed!" And no wonder the print is "FINE!" 

Ok, so yes I'm gruff, I just got kicked in the balls, again! What's really the zinger is I send UNUM, my provider, all my business.....

Cut to me: Staring at the ceiling, saying aloud, I'm forty and this is my life?

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