
MS....REALLY??????? WTF

funny articles and ms updates

Monday, May 10, 2010


How many times did our parents say that to us? More importantly, how many times do we say it to our own children?

My eleven year old said to me one day when we were having one of our wonderfull, sincere, conversations. I'm so lucky to have him....

He said "Mom do you remember when you asked me if I knew it was wrong to pick up my pellet gun while I was grounded, I said no because I meant it. No, not at that actual (his favorite word) second while I was picked up that pellete gun, I never thought I was doing something wrong. But I knew later it was wrong."

The child basically said, I did something without thinking, and that is the most basic form of honesty, I really wasn't thinking.

There is not one of us that hasn't slipped and said something that either came out wrong or was taken wrong. Or we just said something stupid in a group of people we shouldv'e known better. BUT SLIP UPS HAPPEN TO US ALL!

I do believe that until you are at least twenty five, you should still be able to use, I was'nt thinking. Because if we all sat back and thought of the things we did in High School and college, we'd all say........MAN I really wasnt thinking!!

So, after twenty five, we all have to learn the morays (sociologic term for acceptable social behaviors) of our lives. Corporate America, PTA's, Golf Associations, even cultural rules.

But to err is to be human, so we alllllll slip up. To these slip ups, we should also forgive, because the fallout is usually the best punishment.

So, what about the people who always say the wrong know that person.......always says the absolute wrong thing at the absolute worste time?

So, my dog died on Mother's Day, she was found by my ten year old boy, so I sent him to his Grandma's house.

I then look around and realized, since I made the decision to be a single mother, then I have to bury the dog (her name was Paris and she was darling) on Mother's Day all by myself. Mother's Day is the hardest day of the year for me because I have no contact with my own Mother and it makes me very sad. So here's what I did.........I put her gently in a moving box I had, that I had put the best linens I owned in and covered her up.

I close the box and put her in the garage refrigerator.........and I said out loud.........I have MS, I cant work, and I'm not going to bury my Fucking dog on Mother's Day!"

I really did say it out loud, I then got a glass of wine, crawled in bed (one dog short) and watched the Real Houswives of NJ"

So today I cry, go buy a shovel that breaks in five jabs, and I get a text from my Mother-in-law simply stating "I hope she didn't suffer"

So, In my loud voice again, I said, while texting back "Not what I want to think about right now!"

Yeah, I got the right answer, some people really still need to hear.....

Cut to me: Sitting outside, pondering the unknown, but I worry people will think farting in Church is a What Were You Thinking situation. So to set your minds at ease......that really is an involuntary action!

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